Another great type of music is video game music. In this case old 8-bit video music.
I grew up loving video games, even though I'm a bit too young to have been able to play the real old-timers from the 80s.
About a year ago I decided to change this. I bought an old NES machine and played my ass off.
Such old timers as Zelda, Super Mario Bros and Tetris were what was up!
I realised that I had never thought about the music in games that much when I played 'em as a kid and that I'd missed out on something great.
I think what fascinates me most about it is the fact that the music is so restricted. They have too keep it simple 'cause the machine can't play anything even remotely complicated. Take the Zelda soundtrack for example: (I don't seem to find a way to make it show so the link will have to work for now)
It's so simple but yet so complex. The beat works perfect with the high pitched 8-bit tunes!